Mr. Jack Nesson VP and Director, 1955-1971

Jack Nesson passed away on August 8, 2019 after a very long battle with cancer and other health issues.

We owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Jack Nesson, Vice President and Director of CSB and GJC from 1955 to 1970.  It was his vision, drive and determination to transform our college from a for-profit business school to an bona-fide college.

 Below are excerpts from interviews conducted in April, 2013 by Bill Tarkulich, '75

The story In his own words:

 …In August of "55 I noticed an ad under "women" for a admission director for the Cambridge School of Business (the Radio-TV division had its own director).  Evidently Milton Grahm was curious why a male would answer his ad so he gave me an interview.  He was only prepared to pay $75 per week but agreed to give me the opportunity and he agreed to $100 per week.

 I took over the School of Business with 13 students and we occupied one floor at 687 Boylston St.  Two rooms were devoted to Radio and one to the business school.  There was 1 part-time instructor being paid $10 an hour. The rest of the rooms were dark and unoccupied.

 During the first few weeks I interviewed only middle aged women looking to take a shorthand and/or bookkeeping course.  It was very evident that something had to be done if this job I took would be a lasting one.

 In order to grow my first job was to convince Milton Grahm to open all rooms on the floor and equip them with blackboards, chairs, typewriters (no computers then) and a variety of office machines.  I even included a lounge with TV.  This was very expensive but Grahm agreed when he heard of my plans on how I believed we could succeed.

 My first plan was to go to every local high school where it was arranged for me to speak to girls who were not going to college but were interested in a secretarial/business program. 

 Appointments were made and every time a prospective student came to my office (day or night) bells were ringing and I always said the students were on break.  That first year no prospective full time student ever saw an enrolled student.

 My first day school class consisted of 25 girls paying $14.50 per week and if they missed a week they were not charged.  We were not making any money but again Grahm agreed to allow me to increase the area of recruiting and I then went to NH, Me. and VT  The following year the enrollment increased

and by this time I was speaking to both business and radio students.  Grahm again invested in more modern radio equipment and hired local personalities to teach on a as needed basis.

 …. In the early 60's I found I needed space to house the students and we rented space in some of the houses on Exeter Street and Comm. Avenue.  Our student body was growing each year.

 ...It might seem to you that my focus was on the business school.  You are right  because I felt our growth was in that direction.  The School of Broadcasting was always a night school and didn't take off until the school moved to Kenmore Square and we hired Bruce Williams as full-time Director of Admissions.

 ….  By this time I led the school of business to national accreditation and eventually to Junior College with the right to award the Associates Degree.

Milton Grahm was always the financier and it was his money that allowed the College to grow and prosper during the 60's and early 70's. …

 Both the College of Business and the School of Broadcasting grew simultaneously and Grahm spent the money necessary to buy and equip the building in Kenmore Square, the Kenmore Hotel, the Wadsworth and eventually the Buckminster Hotel.  He did it with reinvesting and his own money.  …